Yield Strategy Optimisation on 0VIX: Best Practices and Perspectives?

Hello Everyone :hugs:,

Since I’m new to the 0VIX platform, I’ve been learning about the several yield optimisation techniques that are offered. I’m excited to learn how to optimise my profits and successfully manage risks as a DeFi enthusiast. I’ve read through some material and attempted a few simple techniques, but I think the community has a lot of information that will help each of us make the most out of our methods.

I have the following specific queries:

Effective Yield Optimisation Techniques: On 0VIX, which are some of your most successful yield optimisation techniques? :thinking: Are some partnerships often more successful than others? :thinking:

Risk management: How can yields be maximised while risk is controlled? :thinking: Do you have any specific recommendations for 0VIX ecosystem indicators or tools that are useful for evaluating and reducing risk? :thinking:

Manual vs. Automated Strategies: Which do you prefer, manual or automated (using bots or algorithms)? :thinking: What are the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy, in your opinion? :thinking:

Learning Resources: Could you suggest any websites or tutorials which are especially beneficial for comprehending and becoming an expert in yield optimisation on 0VIX? :thinking:

Typical Errors: Which typical errors should one steer clear of when trying to maximise profits on 0VIX? :thinking: Do you have any advice for those that are just starting out? :thinking:

I also followed this :point_right: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/251763252_Risk_aversion_and_the_dynamics_of_optimal_liquidation_strategies_in_illiquid_minitab

I’m interested in learning about your perspectives and experiences. By pooling our knowledge, we can enhance not just our own tactics but also the 0VIX community as a whole.

Thank you :pray: in advance.